Send it Here, Send it There, Send it Everywhere!

Send it Here, Send it There, Send it Everywhere!

Does your document production workflow seem to be working against you? Do you spend time copying and pasting data from one piece of software into another? Well, you’re not alone! Lots of document operations are really a collection of unconnected pieces. It’s a...
Why You Need a CCM Integrator

Why You Need a CCM Integrator

Does your document production workflow seem to be working against you? Do you spend time copying and pasting data from one piece of software into another? Well, you’re not alone! Lots of document operations are really a collection of unconnected pieces. It’s a...
Driving Results Through Data-Driven CCM Strategies

Driving Results Through Data-Driven CCM Strategies

What is CCM?  CCM stands for Customer Communication Management. In today’s highly competitive business landscape, effective customer communications are essential for building strong customer relationships and driving better results. To achieve this, organizations must...
Oh, for the Good Old Days of CCM!

Oh, for the Good Old Days of CCM!

Customer communication planning and execution today are considerably more complicated than practices in the recent past. In addition to the document integrity tasks of yesteryear, professional print/mail providers now juggle multiple digital channels, responsive...