Integration – The Big Challenge for CCM Service Providers

Integration – The Big Challenge for CCM Service Providers

All customer communication management (CCM) service providers and in-plant operations need to automate production and make the process more efficient. Modernized production is the only way to sustain growth and continue to be profitable. Companies that cannot automate...
Production Control Effects of a White Paper Workflow

Production Control Effects of a White Paper Workflow

As high-volume document production operations migrate to high-speed inkjet presses, commercial print and mail providers aspire to a white paper workflow. Eliminating pre-printed forms is often the principal motivator when justifying an inkjet investment. Merging jobs...
You Might Not Need Faster Print / Mail Equipment

You Might Not Need Faster Print / Mail Equipment

Print/mail hardware salespeople often lead with “feeds and speeds” when proposing new equipment. How fast a new printer, inserter, tabber, or mail machine can run often dominates the new equipment sales conversation. With a new machine the salespeople promise, the...