Email Management 101: Breaking Into the Industry

Email Management 101: Breaking Into the Industry

Let’s say you are a service bureau or service firm and you are printing your client’s bills. You want to break into the email industry because now every channel is converting into a digital one. You are already printing the bills so how hard can it be to deliver this...
How Does AI Affect Document Production Workflow

How Does AI Affect Document Production Workflow

Artificial Intelligence affects business in many ways. It is most prevalent in manufacturing processes but is quickly expanding to other business functions. Does AI have a place in a modern document production and distribution workflow? Many of the repetitive tasks in...
Automate or Else!

Automate or Else!

Production facilities in every industry are replacing manual processes with automation. Print/mail service providers and in-plant document centers are no exception. Automation is no longer a trend in mail and print. It is here. Providers must automate as much of their...
Is My Job Finished?

Is My Job Finished?

“What’s the status of my job?” – it’s a question clients often ask of print and mail operations. Traditionally, inquiries like these are handled by an account representative who fields the client’s phone call, email, or text message. To answer the question, the...